Did you know chewing food slowly can help you burn more calories?
Eating on the run is a common problem in today’s society. We’re all so busy that it can be hard to find the time to sit down and enjoy a leisurely meal. We often end up eating while doing other things, such as working, watching TV, or driving. As a culture, we have moved away from proper sit-down meals, and a relaxed dinner is now just a dream or a luxury.
Unfortunately, this pattern of fast, mindless eating can harm our health. When we eat quickly, we’re more likely to overeat. This is because it takes our brain about 20 minutes to register that we’re full. So, by the time we’re finished eating, we’ve already consumed more calories than we need.
Overeating can not only lead to weight gain, but it is a significant risk factor for several chronic diseases, including heart disease, stroke, type 2 diabetes, and some types of cancer. In addition, fast eating can also contribute to digestive problems such as indigestion and heartburn.
There is much scientific evidence that supports the benefits of slow eating through chewing to help prevent obesity and weight gain. For example, a study in the journal “Scientific Reports” (connect to SCIENCE DAILY article here) found that people who ate slowly and chewed their food 15-20 times consumed 60% fewer calories than those who ate quickly and gulped down their food.
In addition, studies have found that slow eaters had a lower body mass index (BMI) and a smaller waist circumference than fast eaters. One study found that when you eat and chew slowly, you give your body more time to break down your food, which can help to prevent digestive problems such as indigestion and heartburn. Additionally, the same study showed eating slowly can help you feel fuller, leading you to weight loss.
Another study published in the journal “Nutrition,” found that eating by chewing slowly can increase your metabolism. The study found that people who ate slowly burned an average of 10% more calories than those who ate quickly.
Making small changes to how you eat can make a big difference in your health. By slowing down and savoring your food, you can lose weight, improve digestion, and reduce your risk of chronic diseases.
Here are some tips to help you slow your eating
- Use smaller plates. This will help you control your portion sizes.
- Put your fork down between bites. This will allow you to chew your food thoroughly and savor the flavors.
- Drink water before, during, and after meals. This will help you feel full and satisfied.
- Make mealtimes a social event. Eating with friends or family can help you relax, and enjoy your food.
- Start by setting the mood. Create a relaxing and enjoyable eating environment by setting the table with decorative dishes and elegant utensils, lighting a candle, and playing soft music.
- Eliminate distractions. Turn off the TV, put away your phone, and focus on your food.
- Take your time. Don’t rush through your meal. Chew each bite thoroughly and savor the flavors.
- Pay attention to your body. Listen to your body’s signals, and stop eating when you’re full.
- Make it a habit. The more you practice slow eating, the easier it will become.
The takeaway: Chew your food slowly and the benefits are many…
- Weight loss. Eating and chewing slowly can help you lose weight by helping you eat less and feel fuller.
- Improved digestion. Eating and chewing slowly gives your body more time to digest your food, which can help prevent digestive problems such as indigestion and heartburn.
- Increased metabolism. Chewing more burns more calories.
- Increased enjoyment of food. When you eat and chew slowly, you’re more likely to savor the flavors of your food and enjoy your meal more.
- Reduced stress. Eating and chewing slowly can help you relax and de-stress.
So chew on this and let R-KANE NUTRITIONALS help you.
We have a wide variety of products to “chews” from. Our protein bars and snacks are all made with high-quality ingredients designed to help you reach your fitness goals.
- Tiny Meal Nutritional Bar- Peanut Butter Chocolate: These bars are a great way to get a quick and easy protein boost. They’re made with natural peanut butter and chocolate. They are only 170 calories, enriched with vitamins and minerals, and contain 15g of protein
- Tiny Meal Nutrition Bar-Salted Caramel Chocolate: These bars are a delicious and satisfying way to satisfy your sweet tooth. They are made with real chocolate and caramel and are only 170 calories, enriched with vitamins and minerals, and contain 15g of protein
The information provided by R-KANE NUTRITIONALS (“we,” “ us” or “our”) is for general information purposes and is provided in good faith. Always consult a physician before starting any diet or exercise plan