
Energy and Nutrition

Energy and Nutrition

INTRODUCTION We all crave more energy.   It is disheartening to start the day feeling tired before you go to work or try to work up the impetus to go to the gym. Our lives are intruded upon by both physical and emotional obstacles.   Taking a...

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Tinymeal™ Protein Bars Unraveled

Tinymeal™ Protein Bars Unraveled

Recently R-Kane Nutritionals redeveloped and unveiled the new and improved TinyMeal Protein Bars. During the redevelopment there were several key factors that were of importance that the team of developers wished to adhere. First, there was the addition of dietary...

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Obesity, Diabetes, and Insulin

Obesity, Diabetes, and Insulin

By William Cabot, M.D., FAAOS. THE GROWING PROBLEM OF OBESITY The past half-decade in the United States and elsewhere has seen what can only be described as an astronomical increase in the numbers of obese people in our general population. It is also true that...

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